Welcome to Classics, introduce yourself to our readers. Where are you from originally, where is home now?

I was born in Nancy, France in 1991. In 2012, I lived a few months in NYC, as a street photographer I fell in love with the city and decided to move 3 years ago.


Who inspired you to shoot?

I would say mostly pioneers of artistic color photography like Stephen Shore, William Eggleston or Fred Herzog. When I discovered their work during youth, I was always amazed by the feelings they were procuring with banal scenes. I am a huge photo book addict and bought dozens of books since I moved to NY (Alex Webb, Alec Soth, Todd Hido are also big inspirations).

When did you get your first camera and can you recall your earliest pictures?

I got my first camera at 4, my mother bought me photo albums where I was pasting my first pictures, not my best pictures... but fun memories! At the age of 15 I bought my reflex camera to start "documenting" street art in my hometown on my first blog. I was doing graffiti at the time and was spending nights with my camera and spray cans on the old railroads chasing good night scenes.

After a few years I started focusing more on the people in the streets rather than the graffitis.


How would you describe your style?

Geometrical forms and shadows, I definitely prefer sunny days and strong light.

Do you have a favorite photograph?

I would pick that one, shot in Seattle in 2017, I called it "la traversée". The light was perfect that day and created strong geometrical forms in the ferry. I also like the lonely man in the middle who has clothes that match the benches. Windows are also a big part of my work, I think they express a feeling of escape.

Since the moment I shared this picture on social networks, it has been part of some shows in Europe, notably at Saatchi gallery in London last September and it has been acquired by some famous art collectors.

Who are your favorite Cinematographers and Photographers?

Cinematographers are really important to me, I like pictures that leaves room to imagination and poetic sensitivity. I love the work of the cinematographer Emanuel Lubezki and directors Martin Scorsese, Tarantino, Gus Van Sant, Sergio Leone...

Photographers: Saul Leiter, Stephen Shore, William Eggleston, Harry Gruyaert, Gregory Crewdson, etc.

What is your favorite camera?

Changes a lot in the last few years, but I love medium format, so I will answer my Mamiya 7.

What inspires & influences you today?

It's a tricky question nowadays, photography is omnipresent. I can be inspired by an art exhibition, by a book, by internet, by movies... What inspires me the most is when I am outside shooting in the light. It's all about the light!  

Where in the world would be your dream location to shoot?

Right now it might be a northern state in the U.S. I keep it secret until I have realized the project I am working on right now. Otherwise, I would love to shoot in Chile.

Do you have a creative process?

Sometimes it is just "Let be guided by the light" and sometimes it needs months of research. 


What is your Favorite Book, Favorite Feature Film & Music Album?

I watch movies or series almost every night, but haven't been in the cinema for a while, I need to address this shortfall.

Photo book: Niagara by Alec Soth

Music: Moon Safari by Air

What are you favorite publications/websites?

Magnum, Ignant, newspapers.

Any upcoming projects we can look forward to?

I have been attracted by scenes for a long time, but I want to work more on documentary series this year and on a first photo book.



  • Jessica Ghoul said:

    This is absolutely gorgeous.
    So simple yet so powerful. All in the light indeed.

    April 14, 2023

  • Fajar Pratama said:

    Saya sangat suka dengan semua warna ini.

    April 01, 2022

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